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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Effingham, GA
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Effingham , GA | (912) 205 5895
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Today may be one of the “Bad Days,” maybe even the worst yet. Lately, bad days are becoming more frequent. Racing thoughts, worry, anxiety, sadness, and lack of motivation seem to be taking over everything. You’re doing your best, but doing day to day tasks becomes a battle that is becoming harder to win. You’re always tired. Your brain never stops. Loved ones are concerned and maybe complain, which makes you feel worse. You shut down and either put on a show or avoid the people, tasks, and events that are important. The negative voice in your head is getting louder and louder and it says horrible and scary things to and about you. View 5 Photos This “Bad Day” is different than the rest. Why? Because you’re here. It’s the 1st step toward a better life. The eclectic approaches to therapy I offer, using CBT, DBT, and ACT, is individualized to fit your needs. I teach you the skills that fit your needs and lifestyle to finally make sustainable change to break free from this cycle of darkness and worry. You can and will feel better. If that’s hard to imagine or believe, that’s OK. I believe in you. Together, we can get you to where you want to be. To find out how, reach out to me for a free 20-minute Phone Consultation to tell me what’s going on and we can talk about how I can help.
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